\x3C/span>\x3C/span>\x3C/code>\x3C/pre>");$R[100]($R[4],"\x3Cpre class=\"shiki github-light\" style=\"background-color:#fff;color:#24292e\" tabindex=\"0\">\x3Ccode>\x3Cspan class=\"line\">\x3Cspan style=\"color:#D73A49\">@import\x3C/span>\x3Cspan style=\"color:#24292E\">(\"https://chinese-fonts-cdn.deno.dev/packages/ToneOZ-RadicalZ-Kai/dist/ToneOZ-RadicalZ-KaiTraditional/result.css\") \x3C/span>\x3C/span>\x3C/code>\x3C/pre>");$R[100]($R[5],"\x3Cpre class=\"shiki github-light\" style=\"background-color:#fff;color:#24292e\" tabindex=\"0\">\x3Ccode>\x3Cspan class=\"line\">\x3Cspan style=\"color:#22863A\">article\x3C/span>\x3Cspan style=\"color:#24292E\"> {\x3C/span>\x3C/span>\n\x3Cspan class=\"line\">\x3Cspan style=\"color:#005CC5\"> font-family\x3C/span>\x3Cspan style=\"color:#24292E\">:\x3C/span>\x3Cspan style=\"color:#032F62\">'ToneOZ-RadicalZ-KaiTraditional'\x3C/span>\x3Cspan style=\"color:#24292E\">;\x3C/span>\x3C/span>\n\x3Cspan class=\"line\">\x3Cspan style=\"color:#005CC5\"> font-weight\x3C/span>\x3Cspan style=\"color:#24292E\">:\x3C/span>\x3Cspan style=\"color:#032F62\">'400'\x3C/span>\x3C/span>\n\x3Cspan class=\"line\">\x3Cspan style=\"color:#24292E\">};\x3C/span>\x3C/span>\x3C/code>\x3C/pre>");$R[100]($R[0],!0);
欲与天公试比高。 须晴日,
In wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret,
For none could tame our savage souls yet you the challenge met,
Under palest watch, you taught, you changed. Base instincts were redeemed,
A world you gave to bug and beast as they had never dreamed.
To be, or not to be, that is the question
🔔链接方式可以被网页、小程序等支持类 CSS 样式载入的平台使用。
<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://chinese-fonts-cdn.deno.dev/packages/ToneOZ-RadicalZ-Kai/dist/ToneOZ-RadicalZ-KaiTraditional/result.css' />
⏺️ 使用字体前请遵守相关授权信息,使用字体的项目必须标注字体名称、来源信息!
🥪 这里是提供所有字体CSS的接口
🧐 近 30 日 CDN 使用分析
article {
copyright | Copyright 2021 ToneOZ (https://toneoz.com) (c)2018 National Development Council. Open Government Data License, version 1.0(https://data.gov.tw/en/license). Copyright 2020 The Klee Project Authors (https://github.com/fontworks-fonts/Klee) | |
fontFamily | ToneOZ-RadicalZ-KaiTraditional | |
fontSubfamily | Regular | |
uniqueID | ToneOZ-RadicalZ-KaiTraditional;Version 0.230929; | |
fullName | ToneOZ-RadicalZ-KaiTraditional | |
version | Version 0.230929 | |
trademark | National Development Council. Klee is a trademark of Fontworks Inc. | |
manufacturer | ToneOZ | |
designer | National Development Council. Fontworks Inc. | |
description | Chinese characters are based on the full repertoire https://data.gov.tw/dataset/5961 , Pinyin and Zhuyin are added by JeffreyX@ToneOZ with Fontworks Klee | |
manufacturerURL | https://toneoz.com | |
designerURL | https://data.gov.tw/dataset/5961 | |
license | Authorization and scope of using the full repertoire of CNS 11643 (simply called the full repertoire): Users are permitted freely download any data including fonts and attributes of Chinese characters, and programs from the full repertoire, without any constrains on time and location. User can freely duplicate, edit and distribute all data that downloaded from the full repertoire. Users can use those data for developing applications or providing services, so called value-added products. The trademark and patent are exclusive from the authorization. The user who publicly distribute, publicly display or otherwise make use of the fonts, attributes or programs related to the full repertoire shall indicate the source (National Development Council of the ROC, the full repertoire, https://www.cns11643.gov.tw) of the fonts, attributes or programs in an appropriate manner. Requirements to user: Users use the fonts, attributes or programs downloaded from the full repertoire, as agreed to comply with those requirements. The user of using the fonts, attributes or programs downloaded from the full repertoire, if found errors or omissions, should agree to provide free reference and amendments to this website (https://www.cns11643.gov.tw). The value-added products provided by the user, if due to their intentional or negligence, cause the rights and interests of third parties to be damaged, they shall agree to deal with them on their own, and the owner of this website (https://www.cns11643.gov.tw) shall not be responsible for them. As a result of their intention or negligence caused this site to suffer damage or a third party to this site for damages, the user shall be liable for this site. Limitation of liability of the website (https://www.cns11643.gov.tw): The fonts, attributes or programs downloaded from the full repertoire are for reference only and do not constitute any guarantee or implication of their consent, approval or recommendation. The guarantee does not cover the correctness and completeness of the fonts, attributes or programs provided by the full repertoire. This website is not responsible for any compensation or reimbursement if the user got damages or loss due to use or is liable for any damages or losses to another user or a third party. This website as results of network lines or equipment failure, overhaul, maintenance, power outages or other natural disasters and other acts of God cannot provide users, users of the resulting damage or loss, this website does not take any compensation or compensation responsibility. | |
licenseURL | https://data.gov.tw/en/licenses | |
postScriptName | ToneOZ-RadicalZ-KaiTraditional |
基本汉字 | 20902/20902100.00% |
基本汉字补充 | 0/900.00% |
扩展A | 683/659210.36% |
扩展B | 23620/4272055.29% |
扩展C | 639/415315.39% |
扩展D | 56/22225.23% |
扩展E | 1223/576221.23% |
扩展F | 443/74735.93% |
扩展G | 508/493910.29% |
康熙部首 | 10/2144.67% |
部首扩展 | 34/11629.31% |
兼容汉字 | 0/4740.00% |
兼容扩展 | 0/5420.00% |
PUA(GBK) | 0/910.00% |
部件扩展 | 0/4890.00% |
PUA增补 | 0/2080.00% |
汉字笔画 | 36/36100.00% |
汉字结构 | 12/12100.00% |
汉语注音 | 43/43100.00% |
注音扩展 | 24/2788.89% |